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Capenhurst C.E. Primary School has a very active P.T.A. called 'Friends of Capenhurst' which organises a variety of events and fund raising activities throughout the year. These provide the P.T.A. with the means to give the children of the school some extra resources to enhance their education and enables them to assist with the funding of the exciting educational visits that each class benefits from every year.
Capenhurst C.E. Primary School is listed on the website www.easyfundraising.org.uk You can help us raise money for school by registering on the site and choosing our school as your good cause. Every time you shop on-line via easyfundraising.org.uk with over 2,700 well known retailers like Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay (and many more), the retailer will make a donation to school for every purchase you make. There are no catches and it's completely free to use.