School Uniform
Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
White shirt or white polo shirt - long or short sleeve (school logo is optional)
Red school sweatshirt or cardigan (school logo is optional)
Grey or dark plain socks
Black shoes - not trainers
Grey shorts (summer term only)
Red and white checked dress (summer term only)
Sandals (with socks) may be worn in the summer term - plastic, beach-type footwear is not permitted in school
Red school fleece jacket with logo* (optional)
Red school book bag with logo* (optional)
The full P.E. kit is:
Plain red round necked T-shirt (school logo is optional)
Black shorts
Dark track suit bottoms (advisable in cold weather)
Trainers (for outdoor P.E.) Pumps (for indoor P.E.)
Spare socks/Sports socks (in case others get wet)
Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on Mondays and Fridays and should wear school uniform on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Our school uniform can be purchased at a number of outlets:
The Uniform Shop, 30 Overpool Road, Ellesmere Port, CH66 1JN - items can be ordered in store, by phone on 0151 345 4656 or online at:
Forrester by Monkhouse - items can be ordered by telephone order on 0161 476 7216 or online at:
Uniformity Clothing, 11 Rivington Road, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0AW - items can be ordered in sore or online at:
Pre-loved uniform can be purchased from a representative of the Friends of Capenhurst. This is usually Mrs Broomfield. Details of how to do this can be found on the closed school Facebook page. Pre-loved uniform is also available at school events such as intake evenings and sports days etc.
There may be occasions where non-uniform days are planned; these will be notified via the newsletter and ParentMail. School asks that football kits are not worn.